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Setting up the Web Interface User and Password

Solution This procedure must be done through the front panel and will allow you to configure the Web Interface on the UC-IRD+.

Note: Please make sure you already configured the Management Port IP address and you are connected to the Management Port from your PC as described on

Operations Sequence:
Click �ENTER� to enter the �System� menu, select �HTTP Login� then click �ENTER�.

There are 2 parameters to setup on this menu.

Login ID: Set the �username� for the Web Interface. When finished press "ENTER" once, then "EXIT".

Login Password: Set the password for the Web Interface. When finished press "ENTER" once, then "EXIT".

NOTE: Fore security reasons, make sure the login ID and password are different

Once you have set up the Login ID and Password you can use your preferred browser and go to http://ird.ip.address. Use your Login ID and Password to login.
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Article details
Article ID: 3
Category: UC-IRD+
Date added: 2011-04-09 12:57:15
Views: 42641
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.8/5.0 (91)

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