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Setting Up Ethernet Inbound on UC-IRD+

Solution This menu allows you to configure the TS/IP port as input if activated on System->Optional Function. The parameters must be known before starting. (Please contact your stream provider if you don�t have them)

Operations Sequence:
Click �ENTER� to enter the �Inputs� menu, select �Ethernet� then click �ENTER�.

There are 8 options to setup on this menu.

Stream IP Address: Enter the IP address assigned to your equipment TS/IP input.
Stream Netmask: Enter the network netmask for the IP address assigned to your equipment TS/IP input.
Stream Gateway: Enter the gateway address for the IP address assigned to your equipment TS/IP input.
Stream MAC Address: The Factory-Set MAC address assigned to the TS/IP port.
Multicast IP Address: Enter the multicast IP address of the Transport Stream source. If your origin is streaming unicast, you must use the same IP address you set on Stream IP Address on the first option of this sub-menu.
Multicast UDP Port: Enter the UDP port of the Transport Stream source.
Protocol: Select the multicast protocol: UDP or RTP.
Output Smoothing: Set the quality of the Transport Stream that arrives to TS/IP input
Auto: detects the bit rate.
Disable: the equipment lets the Transport Stream to pass by.
Fixed Rate: use a fixed bit rate.
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Article details
Article ID: 4
Category: UC-IRD+
Date added: 2011-04-09 13:00:06
Views: 4524
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (83)

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